Chinese Martial Arts Higher Rank Recognition System

Wushu KungFu Duanwei system is made and executed by the WTKF (). It is made to evaluate the performance of martial arts practitioners, to improve martial art theoretically and technically and finally, to make martial arts an international activity. So the system is both meaningful and significant.

Grading Levels of Wushu KungFu Duan Wei

武術功夫一段 1st Degree (初級教練) Junior Instructor.
Over 3 years of practicing martial arts

( Examination Fee : 3500/- )

武術功夫二段 2nd Degree (中級教練) Intermediate Instructor
Age 18 or above,, over 5 years of practicing martial arts, To holding 1st Duan Certificate

( Examination Fee : 5500/- )

武術功夫三段 3rd Degree (前輩教練) Senior Instructor
Age 21 or above,, over 7 years of practicing martial arts, To holding 2nd Duan Certificate

( Examination Fee : 7500/- )

武術功夫四段 4th Degree (師傅) Master
Age 25 or above,, over 10 years of practicing martial arts, The Person Incharge of Martial Arts Class.

( Examination Fee : 9600/- )

武術功夫五段 5th Degree (師傅 ) Master
Age 30 or above,, over 15 years of practicing martial arts, The Person Incharge of Martial Arts Class.

( Examination Fee : 13500/- )

武術功夫六段 6th Degree (師傅 ) Master
Age 35 or above,, over 20 years of practicing martial arts, The Person Incharge of Martial Arts Organization.

( Examination Fee : 13500/- )

武術功夫七段 7th Degree (師傅 ) Master
Age 40 or above,, over 25 years of practicing martial arts, The Person Incharge of Martial Arts Organization.

( Examination Fee : 13500/- )

武術功夫八段 8th Degree (大師 ) Great Master
Age 45 or above,, over 30 years of practicing martial arts, The Person Incharge of Martial Arts Organization.

( Examination Fee : 15500/- )

武術功夫九段 9th Degree (大師 ) Great Master
Age 50 or above,, over 35 years of practicing martial arts, The Person Incharge of Martial Arts Organization.

( Examination Fee : 15500/- )